2013 National Summit July 18-19

 Registration is closed for this event

For inclusive suburbs and sustainable regions

The Summit is next week, beginning at 2 P.M. on Thursday July 18 at the Georgetown Law Center. The Law Center is near Union Station. See map below.

Building One America’s Second National Summit for Inclusive Suburbs and Sustainable Regions will involve local leaders and federal policy makers to seek bipartisan solutions to the unique but common challenges around housing, schools and infrastructure facing America’s metropolitan regions and its diverse middle-class suburbs. Participants will include local elected and grassroots leaders from America’s diverse middle class suburban towns and school districts, scholars and policy experts, members of the Obama Administration and Congress.

The summit will identify comprehensive solutions and build bipartisan support for meaningful action to stabilize and support inclusive middle-class communities and promote sustainable, economically competitive regions.

Representatives from the Brookings Institution will present their findings on suburban poverty.

Since holding its first national summit in Washington, D.C. in 2009, Building One America has engaged the Obama Administration, members of Congress and state legislators from both parties to address housing, land use, education, and water and transportation infrastructure to further the goals of inclusion, sustainability and jobs.

Following the first-ever White House forum on suburbs in 2011, Building One America partnered with the White House last year to hold nine regional roundtable meetings. These discussions surfaced critical but common problems facing increasingly diverse middle class communities around public schools, water infrastructure, housing and transportation. This year’s summit fulfils commitments from the White House and Building One America to dig deeper into issues facing diverse communities and regions with members of Congress and relevant agency officials.

Registration Fees
BOA Members$175

Lodging: BOA has a block of double rooms reserved at the discounted rate of $209 (plus tax) at The Hyatt Regency Washington, 400 New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20001, 888-421-1442. Click here to get the BOA discount rate.

July 18th, 2013 12:00 AM to July 19th, 2013 12:00 AM
Georgetown University Law Center
600 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
Event Fee(s)
Building One America Members $175.00
2013 Summit Registration Fee $250.00
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