Mike Kruglik

Mike Kruglik is Board President of Building One America. Mr. Kruglik is a graduate of Princeton University (1964) and was Adjunct Professor of History at Northwestern and Roosevelt Universities in the early 1970’s. He has been developing grass-roots citizens’ power organizations since 1973 with the Industrial Areas Foundation, the Gamaliel Foundation and Building One America. In 1986 Mr. Kruglik was co-founder of the Gamaliel Foundation and from 1999-2009 served as its Director of Metropolitan Equity. 

Mike is probably best known for having hired, trained, and mentored Barack Obama as a community organizer on Chicago's South Side in the mid to late 1980s.


Mike Kruglik, Board President of Building One America
2020 Summit Speaker: 
Confirmed speaker at SFCR 2020
Speaker Year: